It is time to face the facts: those running the government do not care about our children or most of us.
We have had more school shootings than any other first world country and this administration has done nothing to stop them.
We have had more mass shootings in public places like offices, movie theaters, and concerts than any other first world country and this administration does nothing to stop them.
Their policy which allowed for the separating of children from their parents at our border is indicative of what they think about children in general.
Their policy at the border shows that they are fine using children as hostages for political ends.
Their policy which allowed for the
separating of children from their parents at our border is indicative of what
they think about children in general.
This administration
shows no empathy for children separated from their parents.
Their policy at the border shows that they are fine using children as hostages for political ends.
are gutting public schools and the structures that support them.
are undermining accessibility to college for all but the most wealthy.
Speaking of wealthy, the tax reform bill passed earlier this year was supposed to provide breaks for companies and wealthy individuals that would be shared (think trickled down) to average folks.
Have you seen any relief? Most companies have not shared this bounty with their employees.
This administration has enacted trade tariffs with some of our most valued trading partners. These countries have reacted by increasing tariffs on incoming goods from the United States.
Once again, the American worker is hurt: the goods they produce will not be as able to be sold overseas, and the goods they purchase at home will cost more.
They are trying to reduce the benefits of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
So if you do not have private independently financed insurance, you and your family’s access to health care and retirement benefits are in jeopardy.
They are making friends with countries that have been problematic in the past and alienating our traditional friends.
Despite concerns about election tampering and nuclear weapons, this administration is reaching out to Russia and North Korea. How has this made us safer?
This administration has made it clear that it treasures its connection to White Nationalist, racist, and misogynistic groups and individuals.
This administration has defended individuals who have committed acts of hate, abuse, and assault. They have given these individuals key roles in the government.
This administration has defended hate groups and applauded their racist choices.
This administration has called people of color, women, and others animals and other derogatory terms.
To review:
· You and your children’s safety is in jeopardy from a policy that does not protect the public from shootings.
· Public education, the road to success for many of us, is under attack.
· Taxes are lower only for the wealthiest.
· Tariffs are hurting our jobs and our pocketbooks.
· Access to insurance and retirement is being threatened.
· Our leaders are fonder of people who have tried to hurt us than those who have helped us.
· This administration is closely connected to racists, sexist, and others who have an extremist agenda.
None of this is “fake news.” None of this is even in dispute.
The shocking truth is that some of us are fine with this situation.
I am not.
Please vote.
Please vote.