Thursday, April 26, 2012

The College Search Process: Part 5

For months we have been asked, “Where is your daughter going next year?” I always answer, “college.” I get a wry smile and the obvious follow up. We now have an answer! The college search process has ended. The search is over and we have a winner! Hurrah! It took more than two years, seventeen visits to college campuses, three college fairs, and countless college “events.”

The good news is that we have found a match for our child. I think the hard work paid off. Like trying on different clothes, it took a while to find the right fit.

Interestingly enough, the two schools that her parents thought were not fantastic fits both put her on waiting lists. Two more schools accepted her but, by that time, were no longer in the running. The final two schools were the key players and merited a return trip. These visits solidified her choice.

So this past spring break, we made one more journey to the East Coast. We attempted to simulate what going to these schools would be like for her. When we got off the plane, she did not go with me to pick up the rental car but found her way to the campus using public transportation. She spent solo time on both campuses, sat in on classes, ate with students, and visited dorms. 

By the time she competed her second spring break campus visit, we all knew the choice. We went home and filled out forms and sent in a deposit. Done! 

And that is the “other” news, because it really isn’t bad. Now we will be living the college process – just not searching. Now we start to prepare our daughter for life at college (and life at home without her for us). Now we start packing, planning, and paying! 

We just signed up for summer orientation, which involves both the incoming students and their parents. The college charges a fee for this! I made three sets of hotel and air reservations: orientation, the big August drop off, and parents’ weekend. I feel like a travel agent. 

We are asking questions of other families: Since we can’t drive out to the college due to our schedules, how do you get clothes and dorm materials to school? Shipping? Schlepping on the plane? Purchasing once there? How often do kids come home? Do they book one-way airfares? How did your child get his or her first credit card? We are full of college life questions. 

A ton of emails and envelopes are coming into the house regarding health insurance, registration, finances, and many other new college tasks. The process is far from over. We have found our college (and I use “our” because mom and dad, like it or not, must be very much involved). Getting there is half the fun, but it is only half. In this case, it could be less then half! 

Of course, we have another child. We get two years off before we search again! College number two, where are U?

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