Thursday, February 26, 2015

Am I Missing Anything Important?

Hey Mr. Hirsh
I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and won’t be in class. What am I missing?
Student Y

Hey, Y

I wish I video recorded class so I could replay it for you. Unfortunately, it would take me an hour or two to type out what we did for fifty-eight minutes without you. So instead, I asked several of your classmates to join me and we are reenacting the class you missed as a play in the studio theater tonight.

Admission is $42.

See you then,

Mr. Hirsch

Mr. Hersch
My family and I are going to Sunshine and Beach Resort next week, so I won’t be in class. I will check your website and keep up with assignments.
See ya! 
Student Z

Dear Student Z,

The class and I took a vote; we are coming with you. Please inform your parents that, since the materials on the website can only list assignments, activities, and targets, it would be far better for your education if the entire class joined you in the sun. I have attached a class list so your parents can purchase the needed airplane tickets and hotel rooms. By the way, we all want single rooms and at least economy plus if not first class, please.

See you at the airport,

Mr. Hirsch and the Fourth Period English Class

Hello Mr. Hirch
I am sorry that I am going to miss class tomorrow. There is a special program that is just too good to pass up. Can I meet with you the day after I get back so I can get caught up.
Thank you,
Student L

Hello, Student L

Thanks for being so responsible. Unfortunately, my meeting schedule has backed up due to student absences. I am currently meeting with students who took an extra day or two or three after Presidents Day. Those appointments will take me until the middle of next month. I can meet with you to discuss this absence in about a month and a half - right after spring break. Bring your notebook.

Mr. Hirsch

Hi! Mr. Herch
I just wanted to let you know that I will be leaving early before winter break. I will also be coming back a week late. Please let me know what I will be missing so I can do the work while I am gone.
Student T

Hi, T,

I called the school board and told them that, if we extended winter break to an entire month, we could get much cheaper airfares and it would justify the added expense of greater hotel costs. They agreed and we now have from Thanksgiving through Martin Luther King Day as winter break.

We will have first semester final exams upon our return and the school year will end on July 4th.

Enjoy your holiday,

Mr. Hirsch

Deer Mr. Heersh,
I am sorry that I will miss class this week. Am I missing anything important?
Your student, 
Student X

Dear Student X,

No, we did not do anything important. Come to think of it, we never do anything important. Seems like the whole concept is a bad idea, and we should give it up. Don’t bother coming back; we’ve canceled class permanently.  

Mr. Hirsch

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