Friday, November 11, 2016

Fox Renews Surprise Hit Trumpfoolery for Second Season

Fox Network announced early on Wednesday that they are renewing the surprisingly popular sitcom Trumpfoolery for a second season.

The show features a hapless billionaire and reality TV star who accidently wanders onto the set of a presidential debate and suddenly finds himself a primary candidate and hilarity ensues.

Throughout the first season, candidate Donald's misadventures included mistaking a KKK leader for a respected public figure, getting in an online argument with a beauty queen, being accused of sexual misconduct, problems with taxes, and insulting just about every person he met. The season ended with our hero having second thoughts and trying to sabotage his own campaign only to find that he appealed to the voting public even more than his highly qualified opponent. In a shocking and side-splitting finale, our poor rich blunderer is swept into office!

The second season will feature such antics as getting lost in Washington DC, a son bringing home a new girlfriend who turns out to be a Russian agent, nominating an old friend for the Supreme Court who turns out to be very different than expected, taking away millions of people’s healthcare, and nearly starting a nuclear war! We’ll get a visit from a wacky gay cousin and meet a secret neighbor we see only over the top of a wall. The season will build to an outrageous and uproarious finale as Donald fires everyone and tries to navigate the presidency on his own! The producers of the show say the second season will even be produced without a laugh track.

Rumor has it that Fox is trying to contract for seasons three and four but there are some legal obstacles in the way.

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