Sunday, January 22, 2017

America Needs Star Trek More Than Ever!

Star Trek: Discovery, please don’t suck. America needs a new Star Trek as much as ever. The Original Series premiered during a time of war and during the heat of both the civil rights and women’s rights movements.  Each series continued to address the issues of their times.

We need Star Trek now!

We need its optimism and humanism. We need its affirmation that we will be able to work together and celebrate our differences. Star Trek says that our courage will be greater than our fear; our love will triumph over our prejudice, and our intelligence and creativity will ultimately bring about a world of wonder.

More than anything else, Star Trek affirms our common humanity. Star Trek imagines a world in which no one wants from hunger, no one lacks a good doctor, no one fears for their safety, and there are no barriers to a child’s ability to grow and learn. Star Trek affirms our common humility. It says that everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions and interference is a form of hubris. Yet there are times we must say, “let me help.” The characters in Star Trek taught us about duty, honor, and obligation.

Star Trek states that our actions must live up to our words and ideals, and that’s a difficult feat to accomplish, yet we must strive for integrity. We cannot be our best selves if we do not have a clear vision of our noblest aspirations.

Star Trek portrays situations where evil and good are intertwined because they aren’t always easy to distinguish.  However, Star Trek assures us that thoughtful, compassionate, and intelligent people will help us to make these complicated choices.

Science as at the core of science fiction and Star Trek posited that science is a force for progressive change. Logic, reason, and critical thinking were powerful tools on the Enterprise.

Through Star Trek, we learn that resistance is not futile, words are greater than weapons,
and the relationships we build are the real agents of change.

The rumors and news about the latest incarnation of Star Trek are hopeful. There is reason for optimism. As we learn about the characters and the cast, the situation and the time period, fans worldwide are crossing their fingers. We need the ideals of Star Trek and we need them now!

The new series, Star Trek: Discovery, starts production this week. Make it a good one.

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