Sunday, August 16, 2020

Order of Operations: The Virus First!

The question is: “what problem must be solved first?” This is not Jeopardy. This is not difficult to unravel. While multiple problems plague us, there is usually a key central issue. That is the case in the United States now. 

Before we can open the economy, we must bring down the number of cases of COVID-19.


Before we can open schools, we must be able to successfully treat and prevent COVID-19.


Before we can have sports, large group gatherings, or attend religious services, we must be free from the fear of spreading COVID-19.


To insist on reopening restaurants and bars, schools, or bring players back to the field is to put the proverbial horse before the cart. Nothing works unless we have the disease under control. Dealing with the disease comes before all other issues.


Of course, people need to work. There are businesses dying as well as people. Of course, children do better when they are in a school surrounded by their peers and adults who work with them in person. There should be no debate about these facts.


The debate is much more elemental: we argue about wearing masks, putting teachers and students back in classrooms, and how many deaths are acceptable if we are opening up.


The answer: none. No deaths are acceptable. No one should get this disease when we can prevent it. While there are significant and painful questions to be debated, they all sit behind the first and most important issue: our physical health!


And no, we cannot do them simultaneously. Once the disease is under control, then we can fight the war on multiple fronts. However, until the enemy is defeated or at least contained, no other battle can be won – and such divided efforts will hinder our ability to defeat the virus!


If we get kids back in school, then their parents can go back to work, then the economy can recover and then…millions more get the virus.  We can’t divide and conquer, we can only divide and die.


One step at a time. First things first.


It won’t be easy. There are terrible sacrifices being made and to be made and they aren’t being shared equally. As so many have pointed out, this crisis has highlighted the fatal inequities of our current system. Everyone must have healthcare. Everyone must be able to weather a financial storm. None of us are safe from this virus unless all of us are safe from this virus.


And let’s say what sits underneath all of this: we are going to do this again. This is not going to be the only time in our lifetimes that the world will shut down to get control of a deadly disease. The next one might be more infectious. The next one might have even more devastating effects. The next one might move far more quickly and be far more deadly.


Ready? Not even close.


We must be fed and sheltered, yes. We must have healthcare workers and those who create and move our essential products from producer to consumer. We must have basic government services.


The rest of our resources and resolve go into making us safe from the disease.


Then we can reopen everything – and plan to do it better next time.

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