Friday, May 27, 2022

My Last Graduates

Have you ever visited your old school and found the students seem young, much younger than they appeared when you were there? And you didn’t know any of them. You might know only a few staff members. The place feels familiar but smaller and it doesn’t perfectly match up with your memories. It is a strange experience. 

I taught at Deerfield High School for thirty-three years and retired three years ago. Between COVID and school changes, the years since my retirement have been particularly dramatic for the school. There has been a lot of change and upheaval. I have remained in touch with many of my former coworkers and students. I have attended events at the school. It does not feel foreign – yet. 

Except for one very important change: my final freshmen are graduating seniors. Next year, I will no longer have any former students in the building. When I go to a play, concert, or sporting event, I will not know any of the kids. I will know some of the teachers, but more and more of them are retiring or leaving. 

By its definition, high school graduation is a one-time experience –for students. This year is my thirty-sixth Deerfield graduation - and my final one. Next year, none of the graduates will have studied with me. 

As my last class graduates, they will be spread across the country and the world. Teachers know this; our hearts leave with our students. Most, we will never see again. A few will keep in touch. A few we will bump into around town (and we’ll hope to remember their names). But this is the last time my students will be together. I share their moment of change; their transition. 

I wish them well. They are moving into a much more challenging world than their parents and teachers. However, they have endured lockdown and active shooter drills, masked classrooms, virtual classes, and countless educational fads and initiatives. They are facile with technology and social media. They hold the entirety of human knowledge in their hands literally and sometimes need to stop looking at it. 

There is nothing they cannot do. As their teacher, I happily put my fate in their hands. I have great faith that they will meet the future with creativity, compassion, resourcefulness, and determination. The future of our world rests with them – as it should. 

Congratulations, Class of 2022. Thank you for our year together  - and for all you will do in the future! 

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