Sunday, October 4, 2015

Things We Can Do to Stop The Shootings!

The time for debate on whether or not we should put controls on guns is over. The debate is moot. The question is rather, how do we stop the shootings? What do we do to end the blood bath of gun violence that is raging out of control? The problem seems large and overwhelming, especially when we are painfully aware that wealthy and powerful forces are enjoying, benefiting, and supporting the carnage.

We must take action. Talk is not enough. Debating your neighbors will change nothing. We (you and me) must DO something! The purpose of this blog entry to provide two simple and clear things we can do: write legislators and give money to organizations working to end gun violence.

Write or call your legislators. 

Here is the email I sent. Feel free to use it or make it your own:

Subject: What are you doing to stop the shootings?

Dear Lawmaker,

What are you doing to stop the shootings and end gun violence? It is painfully clear that whatever measures are in place, they are inadequate. Both mass shootings like the recent events in Roseburg, Charleston, Washington DC, Newtown, Aurora, Fort Hood, and shootings in urban areas are all the more tragic because of our failure to prevent them. The debate is over. No sensible person can argue that more guns can solve this problem.

I am asking you to do two things:

  1. Pass legislation this year to regulate the sale, distribution, and use of guns and end these shootings. Like so many other products that have caused safety issues, guns users should be required to have a license, training, and be liable if weapons that they purchased are used for murder.
  2. Begin a process to address the problems with the second amendment that have put us in this terrible place. Whether it is another amendment or another solution, there must be a longer and more far-reaching solution that will end both this debate and the killings.

The way we will know these laws are effective will be when there are no more shootings. Other countries have solved this problem; we must do so as well.

I implore you to bring legislation to a vote this year,

Yours truly,

David A. Hirsch

Next, support organizations that are working to end gun violence. Those who oppose common sense gun regulation are very wealthy. We must chip in to create a voice that can be heard over the moneyed loonies who fund the opposition to sensible gun laws.

In researching organizations, I found that the Brady Campaign was an excellent organization. Click here and make a donation!

Other organizations you could explore are:

If you want more information, here are three articles, one from the New Yorkera second from the New York Times and a third from the Boston University of Public Health which may help to put the issue in context.

While guns are unregulated, no one is safe. If children in an elementary school, audiences in movie theaters, and military personnel at an army base can be victims, we are all at risk. Let’s act to prevent anyone else from being senselessly killed.

One more thing: please keep this issue on your mind as you vote in November.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very timely. Thank you for making it easy to take action!