Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough – We Must Take Action!

While it may bring us some comfort to say we are thinking or praying for those in Paris and Beirut, it is not enough. Although statements of solidarity may be comforting to the victims and their families (and to us), we must also take action.

What can we do? What more do we have to offer than our condolences and outrage? Quite a lot! We can work to change our communities, countries, the world, and ourselves. We can add our voices to our prayers and thoughts, our contributions to worthy causes, and then roll up our sleeves and do something!

Through the products we purchase, the politicians we support, and charities we fund, and the actions we take, we make a difference. People all over the world are living in conditions that breed terrorism. Poverty, disease, unemployment, and brutal circumstances are far too common throughout much of the developing world. How do we benefit from their suffering? We must work to find ways to rectify the conditions that create extremism. In addition to giving to causes that work to end these deplorable conditions, we must also examine how our behaviors, both individually and as a community and country, contribute to and perhaps even profit from this sad state.

Because of natural resources like oil, strategic locations, or political expediency our government has supported regimes that value neither human rights nor human dignity. We have valued our prosperity and comfort over the well-being of very poor people. Whether we approve or disapprove – or even if we know about these issues – our country acts on our behalf and in our names. Our well-being is intertwined with the well-being of people all over the world. If we prosper at the expense of those far away, we (or those we love) will pay for that abuse later. In this global age, we must work to make sure that all people live in safe, secure, and sustainable conditions.

Learning about the causes and issues surrounding terrorism feels selfish if it's only for our own edification. Using that knowledge to demand that our legislators and government officials change the role our country is playing internationally is a step toward addressing the larger pieces of this very complicated puzzle.

Terrorism is about fear. It is about fomenting hate and division. Another way we can take action is to actively fight the fear, and build bridges between people with different ideas, beliefs, backgrounds, and values. It is by creating the kind of world the terrorists are trying to destroy!

Starting with thoughts and prayers is fine. Ending there is copping out. Go further. Make some contributions. Learn about the larger issues. Engage in policy discussions. Change your consumer choices. Actively work for peace.

Yes, we all have important tasks. Yes, we all have jobs, families, and communities, which require great amounts of time and energy. Is all you can spare a few thoughts? Is that all that this is worth? We must go further. It is our responsibility and obligation. The fate of our world rests with our choices. Get out there and do something!

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