Saturday, November 21, 2015

Fun With Guns: Guns for Everyone!

The solution to the problem of mass shootings and even the threat of terrorist attacks is to make sure that there are enough guns that a shooter would be stopped by an armed citizen. The reason so few mass shootings have actually been prevented this way is that there just aren’t enough guns out there.

It is clear what we must do: give everyone a gun – or two! A shooter would have to be crazy to attempt to cause a massacre because each victim is also a potential shooter!

But what if the shooter has an automatic weapon? What if the shooter goes into a school?

The solution is simple: teachers should be permitted to carry automatic weapons and their students should be armed, just in case. Weapons should be as important an item on the school supply list as crayons, smocks, and paste. Perhaps students should purchase ammunition for their teachers just as they now bring in boxes of tissue paper.

Consider the possibilities: This would not only protect our schools from mass shootings, it could also be the ultimate solution to the problem of bullying. You’d have to be out of your mind to bully a kid you knew was packing a pistol.

Since everyone is going to have a gun, this would resolve a host of social issues. No more domestic violence or armed robbery. It would be insane to drive by and shoot someone when the person around the next corner could shoot back! Who would do that?

Frankly, there is a lot out there to fear. There are bad guys (and even some bad gals) around every corner. People who do bad things, say bad words, and think bad thoughts, This is endangering our right to live the lives we want. If we all had guns, those people would have lots of good reasons to change their evil ways!

Think about it: that person texting in the movie theater, cutting you off on the highway, budging in line at the store, or putting up idiotic signs on his lawn would be stopped in his tracks! This is democracy in action!

It would be the end of crime. Should someone be stupid enough to actually step out of line, BANG! No one would make that mistake more than once!

We would have a renaissance of civility. People would treat each other well again. They would think about what they did or said because it could have serious consequences. Would they make fun of people who believed that vaccinations cause autism? I don’t think so. Would they criticize politicians who want to ban gay marriage but end up having gay affairs? Not in public, they wouldn’t!

No more name-calling! No more silly questions. People would do good things, say good words, and think good thoughts - or they would have to face the wrath of those who disagreed! We’d be perfectly confident that no one would offend! We could call it that: perfect confidence or PC for short!

Laurie Anderson said it best. In United States Live, she noted that “to be really safe you should always carry a bomb on an airplane. Because the chances of there being one bomb on a plane are pretty small. But the chances of two bombs are almost minuscule. So by carrying a bomb on a plane, the odds of your becoming a hostage or of getting blown up are astronomically reduced.” Now that is logical! Why can’t our politicians think this way?

If every man, woman, child, and pet had a gun, the odds of being shot or being a victim of a crime would greatly reduced. Why aren’t we doing this right now? That is the great question! Talk to your congressmen right way – or better yet…

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