Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dear Senator

Dear Senator,

Thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for the time, thought, and careful attention you are paying to the current impeachment crisis.

It is my hope that what I have to say is not news to you. I think you probably hold all of this in your heart. However, I want you to know that your constituents and the people of the United States are just like you.

When this is all over, and the current administration and turmoil are in our past, we will know a lot more about what has happened in the White House under this president. The truth about his decisions, actions, and behavior will become highly public. There will be books, movies, and more. The current scandal is not the end, whether the president is impeached, removed from office, or even if he is reelected. The truth will come out.

Do not let all the good work you have done and all the good work you have yet to do become a footnote to your defense of this president.

Do not let history remember you as someone who gave in to the bullies, put party over patriotism, and allowed political expediency to trump integrity.

Do not let your legacy be a presidency that goes unchecked, a congress that won’t acknowledge wrongdoing, and a country without a moral center.

Listen to that righteous voice that is telling you to return to your ethical and moral values.

Listen to those people who are urging you to do the right thing.

Listen to your inner sense of truth, justice, and the American way.

You were elected because the people believe you will do what needs to be done, even when it is difficult or costly. It is time to do that.

History will remember you. Your decisions will determine how.

You know this. We know this. I sincerely doubt that my letter will change your mind. However, when these events are years in the past, I urge you to make sure that you are remembered as one of the heroes, not one of the confederates.

Sincerely Yours,

David Hirsch

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