Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Reading for Treasure: To Distance or Not to Distance - and What About Groceries?

Reading for Treasure is my list of articles that are worth your attention. Click here for an introduction. I had planned on having a version that did not focus on COVID-19 or the current situation, but then I read these articles and saw these videos. Maybe next month, we’ll focus on one television show you may or may not be watching (or if you aren’t, you should). Instead, here are some more topical information that is worth your attention:

It would be wonderful if everyone was social (now we say physical) distancing, but that isn’t happening. The Atlantic’s article, “We’re Not ‘All In It Together’” hits the nail on the head. It is a primer on “civic character” and social responsibility. Read it!

If we are trying to convince someone to follow the CDC guidelines and stay at home, this video might help – especially if they have a short attention span. This is a wonderful visualization of how social distancing can stop the virus from spreading from the State of Ohio and is well worth the little time it takes to watch.

If you want a simulation that is more detailed and personal, this video might work. This Canadian demonstration asks you to personalize the video by selecting avatars for yourself and others near you. It makes its point very clearly!

As we move further toward needing to reopen our economy, there are two concepts that keep coming up: testing and tracing. The Atlantic’s article, “The Technology That Could Free America From Quarantine” lays out other countries’ experiences with track and trace apps on people’s phones. Apple Insider goes into the problems with this concept and provides information on Apple and Google’s current efforts to create a platform for a track and trace app (or apps) in the United States: “Apple and Google’s Contact Tracing won’t stop COVID-19, But It Will Help.”

Finally, there have been a lot of videos and articles about how to bring groceries and take-out foods safely into your house. The Boston Public Television station, WGBH presents a less scary and more reasonable set of instructions: “No, You Don’t Need to Disinfect Your Groceries. But Here’s How to Shop Safely.”

Speaking of being on topic, I am currently reading Connie Willis’s The Doomsday Book and, although it was written in 1992, it is all about what is going on now – and it is an outstanding read!

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